

《将装修进行到底》是2004年在中国大陆上映的一部剧情类国产剧,它展现了人们改变家居的故事。虽然主人公是一个平凡无奇的老板娘,但是她却勇敢地忍受着各种不良的暴力行为,让她的家人拥有更加优雅的生活空间。由阚卫平导演打造,陈明、方青卓、李洪涛、李琳等一众当红艺人共同打造了这部作品! 本片以家装之道讲述了一则千古不变真情故事,描述了男主被囚禁在凶残的斗室内的实际场景,妻子凭借勇气和诚心去重新装修旧房子变成新房,以此来带动人们对旧家重新给予光明和尊重。影片告诉我们:如果我们用真诚去感受别人带给我们的归属感,那么即使是老旧的墙壁也能被新颖地装修出真诚和真实的感情。男女主角也因对家庭及每个住户有着此着望而相互吸引。 将装修进行到底使电影变得栩栩如生,单独将电影中老板娘勇敢风趣的形象呈现也不失为佳作:她是"天真、温情、微怜"ikini in the film.She insists to revive the house with her kindness and courage. The old broken walls become warm and lovely. A bright living environment gives us a sense of how important it is to cherish family and home. Through this film, we are reminded that if we choose to dedicate and be honest towards someone’s heart then even an old house can look new, radiating with sincerity and warmth. The leading roles were also pulled together by their mutual expectation of families and tenants. Having almost come alive,[ The Decoration] narrates the timeless truth through the story of renovating a home. It expresses how the male lead had been detain in a furious dojo, as his wife decided to revive the old building using her kindness and determination. She was portrayed as innocent, affectionate and tender-hearted. As she revives the house with her kindness and courage, the older walls become warmer and comfortable. Bearing witness to brightness inside a family residence giving us a lesson on cherishing our homes. The movie [The Decoration] vividly narrates a timeless truth of home renovation with brilliant two lead roles and their mutual expectation from families and tenants. Through the boldness of female lead, it shows us that if we dedicate ourselves to someone’s heart honestly even an old house can look renovated with love, sincerity, warmth radiating from within it





